Friday, 2 May 2008


The day after the bag pictures where taken, I've been feeling a little bit like I don't quite understand what it is that I'm doing? I know I'm learning new ways to work, I'm trying new techniques and enjoying it but what is behind it all, where is the meaning?

I made a point of talking to Ken about how I can understand it better and he gave me some interesting ideas about how to approach things from another perspective in order to understand it from a new light. For example, he suggested I look at the relationship between self and other rather than just self and self, so looking at how others perceive the action of being in the bag not just my experience of it. The traditions behind women being made to cover up, this restriction of someone and contrast that with my volunteering to do it. The idea of a woman in a bag being a pre-packaged object, ready to pick up and take away. I found all of these ideas really interesting, I'm not sure if they are a direction I want to take but it's certainly opened it up to a new light.

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