Another book I was recommended was the Poetics of Space. Ive only managed to read one chapter so far but it was specifically related to nests. Its got some very beautiful passages but I chose a few that particularly made me think:
" The well being I feel, seated in front of my fire, while bad weather rages out of doors, is entirely animal. A rat in its hole, a rabbit in its burrow, cows in the stable must all feel the same contentment I do."
"the sense of well being takes us to the primitiveness of the refuge. Physically the creature endowed with a sense of refuge, huddles up to itself, takes cover, hides away,lies snug concealed."
"among the wealth of our vocabulary for verbs that express the dynamics of retreat, we should find images based on animal movements of withdrawal, movements that are engraved in our muscles."
"to make such a gentle comparison between house and nest one must have lost the house that stood for happiness. We return to it because our memories are like dreams which become a great image of lost intimacy."
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