I found a list of artists who have made work which I can relate to what I'm interested in at the moment and one of them was Marina Abramovic. I know of all the usual pieces of her work from projects that other people have done but I've never looked at it in relation to mine and now I've found it's really really exciting.
There are a few works in particular that I can relate to what I'm interested in with this project. They focus on endurance and pushing your body to its limits. I also really liked the way the performances where documented, it was very simple, Just one photo from what she felt was the most powerful or relevant and a short description of what happened.
Freeing the voice.
'I lie on the floor with my head tilted backwards."
"I scream until I lose my voice."
Duration 3 hours.
And also...
Freeing the body.
"I wrap my head in a black scarf."
"I move to the rhythm of the black african drummer.
I move until I am completely exhausted.
I fall."
Duration: 8 hours.
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