Walking to school across George Square on Tuesday morning I noticed a pair of hand prints on a wooden hut. They where only a slightly different shade to the wood and it was just good luck to notice them. I wondered how they could have gotten there and enjoyed the fact that i had seen them but didnt think more of it after that.
Then walking home last night I spotted another set of prints on St. Vincent Street! This time they where on the grey granite wall of a shop and seemed to be printed on with clear varnish. Again it was just the luck of stopping at the right cash machine and the lovely orange glow of the street lamp lighting it in just the right way.
So! I'd really like to find more of these and I'd also love to find out who's making them and why.... if anyone knows please pass it on
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Monday, 21 January 2008
week three!!!

I've now been looking at personal maps, text and markings of the hands. Paul suggested a nice idea of creating more of these maps from people who work in the building, staff, teachers or students noting the differences in both surface and with the emotions and words involved. This will hopefully end with having a collection of photocopies of hands with relative words and maybe pictures, a cast of my own hand with raised text or, going back to my original idea, possibly an etched palmistry diagram on perspex or glass.
Mona Hatoum: Routes II
Mierle Laderman Ukeles: Touch Sanitation
Ian Hamilton Finaly: never

Friday, 11 January 2008
Interviews, Videos and Imaginative Maps
Found this video of Jack Kerouac while looking for information to add to my list of intersting folk, think its fantastic... you cant beat a little bit of jazz piano *click, click, click*
couldnt quite figure out how to add the video to the page so here is the link instead...
We where lucky enough to do the interview with Kenny Hunter this afternoon and yesterday with Justin Carter and Ross Sinclair. What i found interesting about all three conversations is that although there where alot of different opinions given, particularly to the question "what is Art?" the one thing that kept coming up was politics. Whether it be the need to share something of meaning or the idea that its never the artists place to take sides but to use your own experiance as a filter through which you express your opinions. Really looking forward to seeing the vidoes now so i can remember exactley what was said.
Also I've been doing a little bit of research about the original school building on Ingram street and from this i think i would like my bit of the project to involve maps in some way. With this in mind i did some googling to see what i could find, one of the results from my 'imaginative maps' search was excerpts from a conversation with Salman Rushdie. Although it had nothing to do with what i was looking for and really wasnt that helpful at all there was a couple of things said that i liked a lot... this one in particular made me think of the relationships between people within the school and the atmosphere thats created from them... a bit like a cooking smell...
"One image I find most satisfying is the leaking, people leaking into each other like flavours when you cook... One bit of the story (Midnights Children) leaks into other stories."
Thursday, 10 January 2008
little light bulb

I finally found a use for my little light bulb today, its been kicking around in my bedroom for a long time but today it found a home on top of the public telephone in the Mac reception. Only makes me sad that it cant light up... but maybe that makes it more special
I found this second workshop really helpful, its made thinking about the space a lot easier for me. Until now its all felt a bit unreal but seeing everyones quick sculptures dotted around the school its become more exciting to think about what will be changed in a few weeks.
The hidden pieces especially appealed to me, there are so many subtle little changes all over the building i think its a nice thing to pick up on. It shows everyone has a respect for the school but also cant resist making their own wee mark. For instance, while i was sticking my light bulb onto the top of the phone i noticed someone had doodled a sort of constellation pattern onto the wall of the booth, but because the walls are a very dark grey/black the pencil marks only show when the light hits in just the right way.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
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